Advocacy Programs on ―
sexual and reproductive health
The reproductive and sexual health of adolescents has been recognized as an important health concern and has been the focus of considerable global attention for many years. In the twenty years since adolescent reproductive health was identified as an area for specific action at the International Conference on Population and Development in 1994, substantial efforts have been directed towards understanding and addressing the specific needs of this population. Notwithstanding this, in many parts of the world, the reproductive health needs of adolescents are often poorly understood or neglected especially in South Asian countries such as Sri Lanka where the current paucity of information has been identified as an area of concern at national policy level . Sexual and reproductive health has been a sensitive issue that has been discussed over the years in Sri Lanka. Amid issues such as teenage pregnancies, sexual harassment, child abuse and other crimes increasing, many civil society groups have been instrumental in raising their voices against them. However, over the recent past there have been several instances where women and children have been subjected to the devastating consequences of violence.
The adolescents of Sri Lanka are required to negotiate their sexual development and transition to adulthood within the context of complex and often competing traditional social and cultural values and attitudes and those espoused by an increasingly globalised society. There is little public awareness about adolescent reproductive health in the country. Cultural taboos that preclude discussion of sexual matters within and between generations are common in South Asia.
Because of these reasons LYON has identified Sexual and reproductive health as a main focus and we have conducted various kind of awareness and advocacy related programs to aware sri Lankan youth on this subject matter and continuously do so.
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