Hackathon 2015 – Philippines
Hackathon 2015 – Philippines
What is it all about? The answer is Hackathon, constant work – fun during which teams of programmers and supporting people are creating applications corresponding to a given subject.
It’s all about the challenge! Over 100 people from different countries like: the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Turkey, Spain, Poland were represented by The Innovative Institute and The Autokreacja Foundation. Participants were divided into 12 groups and during 24 hour brainstorming session they had to develop an ICT solution answering the question: “What can we do to learn entrepreneurship? And what exactly is entrepreneurship?”.
From 21st to 22nd August 2015 at the Globe Tower Valero St. Makati, Manila, The Philippines, over 100 young participants took part in a 24-hour Hackathon. Behalf of Sri Lanka representation LYON was part of this program.
The output of the meeting is 12 innovative game prototypes. During the 2nd day of the Hackathon teams had an opportunity to demonstrate their ‘hacks’ to the jury, development partners and youth employment experts. This allowed them to improve their ‘hacks’ to better respond the addressed problems.
The jury has decided that the winner is an educational game called „World of Start-ups” created by Michał Jakubowski, assistant in the Center for Simulation Games and Gamification at Kozminsky University, Warsaw. The game is concentrated on solving the most uncommon mistakes while creating and leading start-ups through 24 interactive tasks.
A team composed of: Michał Jakubowski (Poland), Jose Fernando Gonzales (Philippino), Marc Chiapella (Spain), Małgorzata Łuczak (Poland), Gökhan Kirbac (Turkey), Hom Bahadur Thapa (Nepal), Federico Zomeño Breitenstein (Spain) worked 24h to create the winning project! Winning team would continue their work to finish the game within the next few months.
The winning application was a project called:„SUM (Start Up Mart)”, explaining step by step how to set up the start-up business. A team composed of:DinukaWanasingha(Sri Lanka), Carolina Carmen Caballero (Spain) Roig ,Anand Vasudevan(India) ,Nguyen Thi Phuong Mai and Chau Tam Dan Thanh (Vietnam); Kenan Ilarslan (Turkey).