One of the main focus of the Lyon is practically implement the National youth policy of the Sri Lanka. Even It was the major factor to LYON to be established as a Civil Society youth organization. After the formation of the LYON club in 2006, LEYON club members were invited by National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations, (LSU) to visit other countries and study their youth policies. As a matter of that LYON members decided organize common platform to discuss about the important of the having national youth policy in Sri Lanka with the all the responsible state holders including the government of Sri Lanka.
At that time Prof. Siri Hettige was the pronoun person who had pointed out the important of the national youth policy in Sri Lanka. He had done National youth survey in 2009. With the collaboration of the Dr. Sagara Chandarasekara , Lyon convinced National youth Service Council to organized a platform to discuss the National Youth policy of Sri lanka. Lyon played the Facilitator role for these initial discussions.
These platform holders convinced the Ministry of youth affairs and skill development on the National youth policy and as a result of that Mr. Dulas Allahapperuma former minister of youth affairs agreed to set up a national steering committee with the leadership of the Dr Shantha Abeysinghe to develop a national youth policy for Sri Lanka in 2012. LYON was a part of civil society representation of the committee. Respectively LYON conducted 2 Asian youth forum in Sri Lanka and hand over to the committee all the suggestions that made by youth representatives from Asian countries for Sri Lanka Youth policy.
In 2014 Sri lanka Government produced the National policy of Sri Lanka with the collaboration of Open university of Sri Lanka.
The Main objective of the LYON is implement programs on youth policy and create awareness Sri Lankan youth on National youth policy. under the principals and value of the National youth policy.